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Role of the Wrist - Point Shooting - Shooting with Flashlights - Night Sights and Lasers - The Naked Emperor
Deadly Force - A Winning Attitude - Just Say Nothing? - S.P. Wenger Credentials - Useful Links
Favorite Quotations on the RKBA, politics and life in general


PLEASE NOTE: I am not an attorney and do not purport to offer legal advice.
Please view what follows as an initial guide to seeking further instruction and
legal advice specific to those jurisdictions where you live, work and travel.

The Golden Rule of Deadly Force in Self-Defense

Ability, Opportunity and Jeopardy

The Mantle of Innocence

The Innocence of Others

A Little Knowledge ...

I have attempted to provide you nothing more than a skeleton of knowledge of how you may be judged if you use deadly force in self-defense. I urge you to do a few things:
  1. Obtain documented training which includes some reliable material on judicious use of deadly force. If this is not readily available to you, purchase and read Massad Ayoob's book Deadly Force: Understanding Your Right to Self Defense or John Farnam's The Farnam Method of Defensive Handgunning, Second Edition, while you figure out how to obtain that training.
  2. Study the specifics of the law in the jurisdictions where you live, work and travel. A good starting point is Andrew Branca's book The Law of Self-Defense: The Indispensable Guide for the Armed Citizen. County law libraries will generally assist you if you ask for help. Consult an attorney to help you interpret what you read. As with many things in life, the law is not always exactly what it appears on the surface.
  3. If face-to-face training does not fit into your foreseeable future, consider purchasing some appropriate books on the topic and saving the dated receipts for the purchase. Then make some notes on your readings as evidence that you actually read the books. If you choose to rely on web pages like this, print them out and, again, makes some dated notes on what you've read. If you consult an attorney, you may also want to make some notes of the consultation.
  4. The last step you can take to increase the evidentiary value of your notes is to photocopy them, then mail yourself the originals, by registered mail. When you receive the envelope keep it sealed and store it in a secure place.

Material is posted on this page for information and discussion only and
purports to be no more than the personal opinion of Stephen P. Wenger.

I make no effort to identify or track visitors to this site, by cookies or any other means. While I do not knowingly share return addresses from e-mail generated from this site, such as to make comments or ask questions, I cannot preclude monitoring by ISP's and government agencies. Similarly, I cannot resist seizure of my computer by lawful subpoena or warrant. If correspondence from you would reveal indictable, illegal activity on your part, I suggest that you reconsider such correspondence. I have no desire to abet such activity nor to become embroiled in your prosecution.

copyright © 1998-2017 by Stephen P. Wenger

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This Site & Its Logo Common Sense? Basic Concepts Firearms Safety ~Street vs. Range
Handgun Selection Holster Selection Ammunition Selection Long Gun Selection Instructor Selection
Role of the Wrist Point Shooting Shooting with Flashlights Night Sights and Lasers The Naked Emperor
Deadly Force? A Winning Attitude Just Say Nothing? S.P. Wenger Credentials Useful Links

FEELING PHILOSOPHICAL? Click for an extensive collection of legitimate quotations about the RKBA, politics and life in general

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Questions? Comments?
Stephen P. Wenger
P.O. Box 4227
Show Low AZ 85902-4227